New and evolving infections of the 21st century

New and Evolving Infections of the 21st Century Section I: Evolving Infectious Diseases Chapter 1: West Nile virus 1. Virology 2. Epidemiology 3. Clinical spectrum 4. Diagnosis 5. Management 6. Prevention 7. Future directions Chapter 2: Hantavirus cardiopulmonary syndrome - A new twist to an established pathogen 1. Virology 2. Pathophysiology & animal models 3. Epidemiology and transmission 4. Clinical spectrum 5. Diagnosis of acute infection 6. Current Management 7. Prevention 8. Future Directions 9. References Chapter 3: Human Ehrlichioses and Anaplasmosis 1. Human Ehrlichioses (Human monocytotropic and ehrlichiosis ewingii) 2. Human Anaplasmosis Chapter 4: Cross-species transmission of poxviruses 1. Introduction: the poxvirus family 2. Poxviruses that cause human disease 3. Genera that have not caused human disease 4. Newly identified poxvirus genera 5. Conclusion Section II: Newly Recognized Human Viruses Chapter 5: The Severe Acute Respiratory syndrome (SARS) 1. Sequence of Events 2. Epidemiological Characteristics 3. General Virology 4. Clinical Findings 5. Laboratory Diagnostics 6. Pathology and Immunology 7. Animal Models and Koch's Postulates 8. Clinical Management 9. Laboratory Safety, Community and Hospital Infection Control Chapter 6: Newly Identified Human Herpesviruses: HHV-6, -7, and -8 1.HHV-6 AND HHV-7 2. HHV-8 Chapter 7: Nipah and Hendra Virus Encephalitis 1. Introduction 2. Hendra virus infection 3. Nipah virus infection 4. Conclusions 5. References Chapter 8: Enterovirus 71 Encephalitis 1. Virology 2. Transmission, Incubation Period 3. Epidemiology 4. Clinical Spectrum 5. Diagnosis 6. Management 7. Prevention 8. Future Directions Chapter 9: Avian Influenza Viruses and Pandemic Influenza Introduction Virology Pathogensis of avian influenza Avian influeza viruses infecting humans Laboratory diagniosis of avian influenza Treatment and prevention 7. Pandemic preparedness and future directives 8. References
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