Developing of Alternative SRFs in Kerman’s Cement Industry by Energy Optimization and Economical Feasibility Approaches

Optimizing and decreasing the fuel consumption and as a result preserving the national financial resources are so important purposes in the resistive economic which has been becoming so vital during previous years due to the implementation of sanctions against Iran. Using the alternative fuels stemming from municipal waste and using them in the energy industry of cement can be some suitable solutions in attaining these purposes. In this study, first, all kinds of operational alternative SRFs (Standard Refinery Fuels) in Iran have been surveyed and compared with known RDFs (Refuse Derived Fuels); then, in the county of Kerman, Bardsir, and Mahan in the province of Kerman which are located in the 50-kilometer buffer of Kerman Cement Company and Momtazan Cement Company has the potentiality of SRF production from the municipal waste been assessed. According to the results, 330 tonnes of SRF by common quality are producible which this amount of alternative fuel can decrease the consumption of fossil fuels such as mazut about 30,000 tonnes in Rotary furnaces in Kerman province’s cement industry. This amount of substitution will have the great potentiality of foreign exchange savings in this region which will be very economical due to the required initial investment and noticeable due to the amount of Rials savings. The development of a conventional unit of SRF production and injection has also been surveyed economically.
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