Descrição anátomo-radiográfica do esqueleto apendicular da paca (Agouti paca) Anatomoradiographic description of the apendicular skeleton of paca (Agouti paca)

The apendicular skeleton is formed by the bones of the members and the anatomoradiographic knowledge of those is extremely important clinic and surgically. This research was developed with the purpose of better know some anatomoradiographic aspects of the apendicular skeleton of the second biggest wild brazilian rodent, the paca. Six animals up to one year old and six older than that, belonging to the Sector of Wild Animals of the Faculty of Veterinary and Agrarian Sciences, Campus of Jabo ticabal, SP, were used. Animals were anesthetized and x-rayed in lateral and ventral recumbency for apendicular skeleton description. As for the anatomical report, bones from four animals were utilized, besides the dissection of two thawed animals. Th e pectoral girdle consists of two scapulae and two clavicles. The humerus possesses evident greater tubercle and the radial and olecranus graves are perforated. The radio tuberosities are little evident and it is not fused to the ulna. The intermedioradia l, ulnar, accessory and falciform form the proximal and the I and II (fusioned), III e IV carpal bones the distal row of carpus. There ar e five fingers in the forelimb and sesamoids in all metacarpal bones, but in the I. The pelvis is narrow, lengthened and with a rounde d and deep acetabulum. The femoral greater trochanter is distinct, unlike the other trochanters. The tibia and fibula are partially f used in the tips. There are five fingers in the hindlimb and the II, III, IV and V metatarsal bones possess sesamoids. Calcaneus, ta lus, medial tibial tarsal and central form the proximal row and the tarsometatarsal bone I, the II, III and IV tarsal the distal row of tarsus.
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