Records on floral biology and visitors of Jacquemontia montana (Moric.) Meisn. (Convolvulaceae) in Mucugê, Bahia

We present the first records on pollination biology of Jacquemontia montana (Moric.) Meisn. (Convolvulaceae), a widespread climber in the Chapada Diamantina. Our objectives were to (1) characterise flower morphology and biology of J. montana; (2) sample flower visitors and (3) make inferences about potential pollinators, based on foraging behaviour. Observations and sampling were performed on two patches from 8:00 AM to 3:30 PM, May 15th to 16th, 2007. The corolla is bowl shaped, pentamerous, gamopetalous, actinomorphic, and yellow, with a mean diameter of 22.43 ± 1.81 mm, the depth being variable during flower phases. Stigma receptivity lasted from 8:00 AM-3:30 PM and pollen viability from 9:00 AM-3:30 PM Pollen. showed great decline in number but not in viability during anthesis. Nectarivorous (Coleoptera, Diptera, Hymenoptera) and herbivorous (Orthoptera) insects were found on the flowers. Both male and female bees (Dialictus spp., Robertson 1902) were the most frequent flower visitor. The bees' behaviour, and time spent on flowers, varied according to the resource gathered (i.e., pollen or nectar). The Dialictus species are likely to be the main pollinator of J. montana, considering the frequency, contact with reproductive parts, and carrying only J. montana pollen spread over the ventral part of the thorax, abdomen and legs. Although not quantified, nectar may still be available in the afternoon, considering the behaviour of bees on flowers during this time. Pollen:ovule ration that was1.200:4, suggests facultative xenogamy. Apresentamos os primeiros registros sobre a biologia da polinizacao de Jacquemontia montana (Moric.) Meisn. (Convolvulaceae), uma trepadeira com ampla distribuicao na Chapada Diamantina, Bahia. Os objetivos deste estudo foram: (1) caracterizar a morfologia e biologia floral; (2) amostrar os visitantes; e (3) inferir os possiveis polinizadores, baseando-se no comportamento de forrageio. Observacoes e amostragens foram conduzidas em duas manchas das 8:00 as 15:30 horas, nos dias 15 e 16 de maio de 2007. A corola e amarela, tem forma de disco, pentâmera, gamopetala, actinomorfa. A corola exposta tem largura media de 22,43 ± 1,81 mm. A receptividade estigmatica ocorre das 8:00 as 15:30 horas e a viabilidade polinica das 9:00 as 15:30 horas, se sobrepondo fortemente. O polen, porem, apresentou forte declinio em numero, devido a retirada pelos visitantes, mas nao em viabilidade durante a antese. Insetos nectarivoros (Coleoptera, Diptera, Hymenoptera) e herbivoros (Orthoptera) visitaram as flores. Hymenoptera incluiu representantes das familias Formicidae (formigas) e Halictidae (Dialictus spp.). Machos e femeas de Dialictus spp. foram os visitantes mais frequentes. O comportamento e duracao das visitas dessas abelhas variaram conforme o recurso coletado (i.e., polen ou nectar). As especies de Dialictus foram os polinizadores potenciais de J. montana, considerando sua frequencia, contato com orgaos reprodutivos, e pelo fato de carregar apenas polen de J. montana na superficie ventral do torax, abdome e pernas. Embora nao tenha sido quantificado, o nectar deve estar disponivel ate o final da tarde, considerando o comportamento das abelhas nas flores nesse periodo. A relacao polen:ovulo, no valor de 1.200:4, sugere a ocorrencia de xenogamia facultativa.
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