The value of 2 J P–CO as a diagnostic parameter for the structure and thermal reactivity of carbonyl-stabilised phosphonium ylides

Abstract A survey of 20 carbonyl-stabilised phosphonium ylides with recently reported X-ray structures shows a strong correlation between the C P to C O torsion angle and the value of 2 J P–CO, with high values being associated with an anti configuration and low with syn . Seven new X-ray structural determinations are reported, several for types of ylide not crystallographically characterised before, and these also conform to this pattern. The value of 2 J P–CO is then correlated with whether or not thermal extrusion of Ph 3 PO occurs to give alkynes for over 200 ylides and an empirical rule developed that the extrusion never occurs for ylides where this value is > 11 Hz. This is used to rationalise the anomalous behaviour of some trioxo ylides and cyclic ylides, two of which afford cycloalkynes, isolated after rearrangement as the isomeric 1,3-dienes. The rule also holds for a family of novel highly fluorinated ylides which afford fluorinated alkynes in good yield upon flash vacuum pyrolysis.
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