Apparatus and methods for decorating plastic parts

There is described an apparatus for carrying out the in-mold decoration process with an injection molding tool (1). The injection molding tool (1) comprises a first tool part (11) having a first mold cavity (13) and a second tool part (12) with a corresponding first mold cavity with the second mold cavity (15). The second tool part (12) has at least one injection channel (12e), a portion of an endless decorative sheet (16) can be arranged being provided between the first tool part (11) and the second tool part (12). The mold cavity (13) of the first tool part (11) has a to the mold cavity (13) closed extending raised edge portion (14) having a flattened cross-section, rounded or pointed end face (14s). The second tool part (12) has a to the end face (14s) of the raised edge portion (14) on corresponding parallel face (12s). In the closed injection mold (1) is a distance (s) between the end face (14s) of the raised edge region (14) of the first tool part (11) and the corresponding end face (12s) of the second tool part (12) formed at least over a partial region, wherein the distance by the decorative sheet (16) is sealed. Furthermore, a method to be described.
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