Effect of body-image stimuli on verbal errors of dysphasic subjects.

given 20 sec. to name them. A Z score representing the difference between the proportion of neutral and bodystimuli errors for all Ss was 1.28 which was less than the critical value of 1.96 for significance, indicating there were no significant differences between proportion of neutral and body-stimuli errors. A Z score of 1.33 was calculated for the proportion of total errors for neutral and body stimuli for dysarthric and nondysarthric Ss and this was below the critical value of 1.96 indicating no significant differences. A Z score of 2.1 was calculated for the proportion of errors for neutral and body stimuli for Ss with mild and severe right-sided paralysis. The Z score was higher than the critical value of 1.96, indicating that body stimuli produced significantly more errors than neutral stimuli. The results suggest the naming of body parts is not necessarily affected by disturbed speech or language components but rather is affected by the physical impairment of the patient.
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