Structural Alterations of Paraná’s Oxisols by Cover Crops

This work aimed to evaluate the dynamics of physical and hydric attributes of a clayey Latosol cultivated with different cover species. The experimental area was located in the Agronomic Institute of Parana (IAPAR), in the regional hub of Santa Tereza do Oeste, Parana, Brazil. The experiment was comprised of seven cover species also called treatments is the course of this work. Three of them were isolated summer species notably Crotalaria juncea, Crotalaria spectabilis, Cajanus cajan (pigeon pea), and the other four treatments winter species cultivated individually or in association including Avena strigosa (Black oat), + (Avena stirgosa + Raphamus sativus (radish), Avena strigosa + Lupinus albus (Lupin bean), and (Avena strigosa + Pisum sativum (pea). The treatments were distributed on a completely random plots of 20 m × 25 m without replication. Soil density, macroporosity, and saturated hydraulic conductivity were measured to follow the changes of the soil structure. Statistical analyses showed that cover crops species did not lead to a significant improvement in soil structural status. Soil density varied between 1.08 and 1.12 Mg m-3, macroporosity from 15.22 and 16.90%, and saturated hydraulic conductivity ranged from 28.83 to 45.07 mm h-1. Soybean grain yield were considered satisfactory in 2016 (mean = 1909.68 kg ha-1) and in 2017 (mean = 3355.30 kg ha-1) most probably due to the good initial structural conditions of the soil, alongside with the good climatic conditions during the two campaigns. Furthermore, the soybean grain yield was positively influenced by Ds which ranged from 1.0 to 1.17 Mg m-3.
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