[Digitalis and beta-blockers: what treatment, what dose and for which patient?].

: The aim of this update is to review the role of digitalis and betablockers in the treatment of chronic cardiac failure. The role of digitalis is unquestioned in the treatment of chronic cardiac failure complicated by atrial fibrillation resistant to attempts at reduction. Digoxin, with a shorter half-life, is preferred to digitalis. When in sinus rhythm, digoxin is indicated in association with diuretics and angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors, to improve the quality of life without demonstrable effects on survival. Betablockers now have a recognised place in the treatment of chronic cardiac failure in association with diuretics and angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors. The compilation of the US-Carvedilol HF Trial have shown a 67% reduction in mortality at 6 months. Carvedilol has been officially approved for use in this indication. Some betablockers are under evaluation, regarding positive results in term of mortality, some clinical trials have been stopped. This review emphasises the changes in prescribing habits of digitalis, and mostly betablockers, in chronic cardiac failure.
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