北京市新发地菜篮子直通车项目满意度分析 Analysis of Beijing Xinfadi Market Satisfaction about Vegetable Basket through Train Project

北京作为中国的首都,人口稠密,小区众多,人民生活对蔬菜供应的需求极大。北京蔬菜市场的供应链中,大部分超市,卖场受租金影响价格偏贵,一些菜市场,小贩的销售点又存在质量和安全问题。所以“买菜贵,买菜难”成为了北京居民生活的大问题。北京农委和北京最大农产品批发市场——新发地批发市场合作,开展了送菜进社区的新发地菜篮子直通车项目。本文以该项目为调查对象,分析了该项目的现状以及社区居民对该项目的满意程度,并对现存问题提出意见和建议。 Beijing, as the capital of China with a large population, so there is a big demand for vegetable supply of the living people. In Beijing vegetable market supply chain, most of the supermarket and malls are affected by the rent, some community’s vegetable markets and vendors usually have the security and quality problems. So buying vegetables trustingly is difficult and expensive in Beijing resident’s life. The agriculture commission and Beijing’s largest wholesale market for agricultural products—Xinfadi wholesale market, carried out to send food into community Xinfadi market basket through train project. Based on the project as the object of investigation, this paper analyzed the current situation of the project and community residents’ satisfaction in the project, and put forward opinions and suggestions on existing problems.
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