Social vulnerability analysis of the health sector reform program assistance in Egypt.

This report written for the United States Agency for International Development-funded Partnerships for Health Reform Project examines the likely impact on socially vulnerable groups of the various health policy reform strategies proposed for the government of Egypt’s National Health Sector Policy Reform Agenda. The report also identifies steps to maximize the policy reform benefits and minimize disadvantages for the socially vulnerable that the report identifies as the poor residents of disadvantaged rural areas and female-headed households with a specific focus on women and children. The analysis concentrates on four primary effects in the government of Egypt’s draft policy reform agenda: (1) cost recovery in Ministry of Health and Population facilities (2) redirecting ministry resources from hospital-based curative care to primary and preventive health (3) reallocating ministry personnel and other resources from geographic areas of underutilization and excess supply to needy areas and (4) improving and expanding national health insurance. (authors)
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