С-реактивный белок и прокальцитонин биологических жидкостей у мужчин с нормальной и сниженной фертильностью

Objective: A comparative analysis of C-reactive protein (CRP) and procalcitonin concentration in blood serum and seminal plasma of healthy men and men with reduced concentration of sperm cells. Methods : 73 fertile men were examined. The experimental group included 36 patients with a reduced fertility; the comparison group (control) included 37 men with normal indicators of ejaculate composition. The concentrations of CRP and procalcitonin were determined by the method of enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Results : Differences in level of CRP between blood serum and seminal plasma in experimental and control groups occurred to be statistically significant in both groups. There was no correlation between these parameters. The concentration of procalcitonin was almost ten times higher in the seminal plasma than in the blood serum. In the experimen‑ tal group, it was significantly higher in ejaculate than in the comparison group. The concentration of CRP and procalcitonin did not correlate neither with the ejaculate volume nor with concentration or amount of sperm cells in it. Conclusions : The levels of CRP and procalcitonin in seminal plasma can indicate the fertility status of the ejaculate.
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