Almost color-balanced perfect matchings in color-balanced complete graphs

For a graph $G$ and a not necessarily proper $k$-edge coloring $c:E(G)\to \{ 1,\ldots,k\}$, let $m_i(G)$ be the number of edges of $G$ of color $i$, and call $G$ {\it color-balanced} if $m_i(G)=m_j(G)$ for every two colors $i$ and $j$. Several famous open problems relate to this notion; Ryser's conjecture on transversals in latin squares, for instance, is equivalent to the statement that every properly $n$-edge colored complete bipartite graph $K_{n,n}$ has a color-balanced perfect matching. We contribute some results on the question posed by Kittipassorn and Sinsap (arXiv:2011.00862v1) whether every $k$-edge colored color-balanced complete graph $K_{2kn}$ has a color-balanced perfect matching $M$. For a perfect matching $M$ of $K_{2kn}$, a natural measure for the total deviation of $M$ from being color-balanced is $f(M)=\sum\limits_{i=1}^k|m_i(M)-n|$. While not every color-balanced complete graph $K_{2kn}$ has a color-balanced perfect matching $M$, that is, a perfect matching with $f(M)=0$, we prove the existence of a perfect matching $M$ with $f(M)=O\left(k\sqrt{kn\ln(k)}\right)$ for general $k$ and $f(M)\leq 2$ for $k=3$; the case $k=2$ has already been studied earlier. An attractive feature of the problem is that it naturally invites the combination of a combinatorial approach based on counting and local exchange arguments with probabilistic and geometric arguments.
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