Rehabilitation of Patients with Hip Joint Arthroplasty (Late Post-surgery Period – Hospital Rehabilitation)

BACKGROUND: Hip joint replacement (endoprosthesis, alloplasty) has become one of the most frequent surgery interventions of the 20th century. AIM: To conduct rehabilitation therapy in the late post-surgery period of hospital rehabilitation (45 days after surgery), to track patients' progress and measure the results. MATERIALS AND METHODS: One hundred and fifty-two patients with hip joint endoprosthesis were included in the study. All underwent surgery and rehabilitation at the Department of Clinical Rehabilitation of the Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine Clinic at Doctor G. Stranski University Hospital, Pleven. Kinesitherapy included therapeutic massage, isometric exercises for gluteal and hip muscles, isotonic exercises for the hip and the knee joint, breathing exercises, analytical gymnastics, exercises for balance and posture stability; gait control, exercises with gym equipment; occupational exercises included all activities of daily living (ADL) that were practiced at home; treatment with performed physical factors included applying magnetic field, interferential current therapy, electrostimulation of the m. quadriceps femoris and the gluteal muscles. RESULTS: The scores from the pain visual analog scale (VAS), the muscle strength test and the test for the movement volume of the hip joint were obtained at the beginning and at the end of the rehabilitation process and stored in an individual file for each patient. CONCLUSION: The results of the present study suggest that the complex rehabilitation program (kinesitherapy, performed physical factors and occupational therapy) can result in a considerably faster recovery and ensures that patients reach optimal functional results.
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