Вклад смертности от отравления этиловым спиртом в структуру насильственной смерти в г. Томске за период с 1992 по 2004 г

Analysis of death cases from alcohol poisoning is carried out. The part of which in the structure of violent death changes repeatedly from 1992 to 2004 year in Tomsk. It fluctuates from 11,8 to 23,7 per cents within 13 years. There were a lot of number of death cases alcohol poisoning in 1993 and 1998 yr in Tomsk. Besides tendency to increase of this index is stood out in last four years, because of economic and political situation in our country. Dynamics of part of the death from alcohol poisoning in violent death structure per month has two summits: in April and October, least part is in July.
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