Muscle strength is reduced by an 8-week weight reducing diet in overweight and obese adults with pre-diabetes: A sub-study of the PREVIEW Study Australia

and maintenance (RE-AIM) [3]. Progress is measured against contracted programme objectives and implementation against delivery objectives (number of visits over time, number of nutrition and physical activity sessions and review of six monthly centre driven action plans). Under 5 Energize has reached 93% of targeted centres, 88% have signed up to the programme and 61% have adopted a nutrition and physical activity action plan since August 2013. The population reached is representative of theWaikato population and matches programme objectives. Evidence for implementation includes 62 nutrition and physical activity education sessions involving 720 educators and parents. Monitoring is underway to record changes in the food and physical activity environment. ‘Energizer’ weekly progress reports already show changes occurring in policy and practice such as the replacement of sugary drinks with water.
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