Distribution and antimicrobial susceptibility patterns of bacteria isolated from genital tract of riding mares

Abstract This study was carried out to investigate the genital tract bacterial flora of riding mare in Jangsu stud farm during March to September, 2014. The specimens were collected from vaginal and uterus using a swab from 104 riding mares. Colonies were selected on blood and MacConkey agar plates, and identi-fied as standard biochemical properties and Maldi-Tof MS. From this study, we isolated 148 strains includ-ing Escherichia ( E. ) coli (14.19%), Streptococcus ( S. ) equi subsp. zooepidemicus (2.7%), Streptococcus ( S. ) dysgalactiae subsp. equisimilis (2.03%), Klebsiella ( K. ) pneumonia (1.35%) and other strains from riding mares. In antimicrobial agents susceptibility test, it showed a high sensibility to the antibiotics of the most. E. coli and S. zooepidemicus were visible to have a high sensibility to almost antibiotics used in this study. However, K. pnemoniae showed a high antibiotic resistance patterns. These results may provide the basic information to establish strategies for the treatment and prevention of reproductive dis-eases in riding mares in Korea.
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