Роль этнокультурных ценностей в планировании профессиональной карьеры провинциальной молодежью

This article deals with the problem of influence of personal ethnic value orientations to modern provincial young people professional career planning. The authors prove the necessity of its decision under the conditions of the poliethnic and policultural Russian society. Pedagogical support is given like the main method of decision this problem. The content of term «pedagogical support» is analyzed in the article and its role in professional career planning is also described. The Schwartz S.H. value conception is described. The analysis of modern provincial young people value orientation and aggression by A. Assinger research results (Ulyanovsk State Pedagogical University) is given too. The results of value experimental research of the modern Russian students are given in the article. The professional career planning dependence on personal ethnic value orientations of modern provincial young people is discovered.
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