Implementation of anti-aging medicine for focused gerontologic-public health problems in integral care for older persons in Croatia

Dramatic percentage of 21, 5% of the population aged over 60 in 2001 in the Croatian population and in accordance with demographic projections for 2025 when this percentage will be 27, 4%, imply necessity of the implementation of anti-aging medicine as new focus in the program of primary, secondary and tertiary prevention for the elderly. Gerontologic preventive health activity of the anti-aging medicine has the main goal to prevent pathologic aging what is also of the gerontologic-public health priority. Own decisions and positive health behaviour set up earlier in younger age accompanied by applying regular preventive anti-aging measures according to the preventive program for the elderly are the basis of healthy, productive and creative aging. The application of primary anti-aging prevention measures for older persons has the role to identify risk factors which leads to pathologic aging, prevent the most frequent cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases in early old age based on atherosclerotic process in order to preserve their functional ability in very old age. In this way the increase in mortality and morbidity rates from circulatory diseases in the elderly is going to be reduced. The implementation of secondary prevention in anti-aging health care of older people results in timely diagnosis of disease which can stop its further development and help in its treatment, nursing care and rehabilitation. Tertiary prevention includes different health procedures that prevent physical and mental decline in a diseased old individual and develops the remaining functional capacity. Anti-aging medicine as the form of preventive medicine is based on holistic, integral and multidisciplinary approach to the health care for older persons. It comprehends all forms of health care: prevention diagnostic procedures, treatment and complete rehabilitation of the elderly. Thereby health care for them become more efficient, accessible, appropriate and rational towards health care contentment of older people.
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