New trends in neuropsychiatry: polyimmunotherapy—A new way of treatment in neurology and psychiatry. The 5S-7S Tilz protocol and the antigen clearing deficiency syndromes

In neurology and psychiatry similar immune mechanisms play a key role as in other diseases of the body. Cellular and humoral hypersensitivity and immunodeficiency occur and may become detrimental to central and peripheral neurology as well as in psychiatry. In immunodeficiency substitution or stimulation is indicated, whereas in hypersensitivity immunosuppression is the treatment of choice. All efficient forms of treatment cause some side effects, which under special conditions may become life threatening. In order to minimise these side effects we built up a new system of “Combination Therapy” of various immunomodulating drugs which we call in analogy to the polychemotherapy “Polyimmunotherapy”. This has been used for a decade of years with lower individual doses, less side effects and more therapeutical benefit.
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