Simultaneous application of AMMI measures and yield for stability analysis of wheat genotypes evaluated under irrigated late sown conditions of Central Zone of India

Reports on biased interpretation for the stability of the genotypes under AMMI analysis, considering only the first two interaction principal components, has been observed in recent past. Simultaneous use of yield and stability of genotypes in a single measure had been advocated for identification of highly productive and broadly adapted genotypes.  The performance of superiority index, allowed variable weighting mechanism for yield and stability, has been compared with AMMI based measures. For the first year (2018-19) Superiority index, weighting 0.65 and 0.35 for yield and stability, found UAS3002, MP3336 and HI1633 as of stable performance with high yield. Recent analytic measures the relative proportion of genotypic value (PRVG) and Harmonic mean of the relative proportion of genotypic value (MHPRVG) selected CG1029, HI1634 and HD2932 wheat genotypes.  Indirect relations were expressed by Superiority Index (SI) with other stability measures.  Superiority index saw stable performance along with high yield of HD2864  and HI1634 for the second year 2019-20. PRVG as well as MHPRVG measures observed suitability of  CG1029 and  HD2864 while MP3336  as unstable wheat genotypes. Values of SI measure had expressed only indirect relations of high degree with stability measures except with yield, PRVG and MHPRVG values.  Stability measures by the simultaneous use of AMMI and yield would be more meaning full and useful as compared to measures consider either the AMMI or yield of genotypes only.
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