Development of ovule and seed in Rapateaceae

VENTURELLI, M. & BOUMAN, F., 1988. Development of ovule and seed in Rapateaceae. The structure of the ovules and/or seeds of twelve species of Rapateaceae were studied, some additional embryological characters also being recorded. The ovules are always anatropous, bitegmic and crassinucellate, but they differ in the shape, size and in thickness of the outer integument. In Rapateaceae the outer integument is initiated subdermally. The seed coat of the Rapateaceae shows two mechanical layers: an endotesta with silica present as bodies or as incrustations in cell walls, in conjunction with an exotegmen with a jigsaw cell pattern complicated by a labyrinth-like sculpturing of the outer cell walls. The innermost layer of the inner integument is tanniniferous. Large hilar scars with tracheidal plates on the corresponding fruit wall and a persistent obturator are recorded in Rapateaceae. On the basis of embryological characters the family fits well into the Commelinales. Testa structure most closely resembles that of the Commelinaceae. The differences in ovule and seed structure agree with the currently accepted tribal classification.
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