Question Answering Search engine short review and road-map to future QA Search Engine

Search Engines are based on bivalent logic and probability theory with lack of real world conceptual knowledge, higher precision and reasoning ability. Ranked links or snippets are less effective with big data Analysis and web of information. State of art Search Engine Google endeavor to retrieve good quality document, Msn Engine i.e. Bing endeavor decision boosting. Advanced algorithms account in user intents semantics and societal patterns on Web with recommendation system as product (recommendation Engines). Search engines have advanced from Text based to voice based (Dialogue based) to Image based (multimedia as input Question to search). Major advancement analysis of search Engine Enhancement, search Engines have advanced from traditional data base retrieval machine to web based machines from horizontal engines to Vertical Engines (, with dedicated crawler Technology at heart. Information of web is structured instructed and posses a huge challenge to big data analytics. All though Retrieval results are optimistic yet they Lack in ability to interpret user Question. Precise answering from relevant Informatics is Search Engine Enhancement. Time complexity and memory are Algorithmic and Machine design parameters that support optimized search result. Question Answering Search Engine (QA Engine) is machine with deductive reasoning capability ability to amalgamate information from various knowledge datasets. QA Engine is front linear area in advanced information retrieval techniques, state of art technology to future of search engines, expert systems. QA search engines have advanced from Shallow Technique (keyword technique) to template based Structured Knowledge processing Engines, profile based engines, and context based machines to cross language machines to Multimedia QA Engines. Community based QA Yahoo answer, stack overflow to specialized search engines like,, true knowledge. Question Answering system have been embedded in Google Search Engine(Google Question Answering). IBM's Watson, a cognitive machine Thinking machine like Humans is decision support Engine developed under Deep QA project with advanced Natural language processing Information Retrieval with deep mining, a machine learning model that learns over time with reasoning model at base. With advent of android platform web based services like Apple Siri, Android Assistant questioner technology is art that assists. Enhancement future search engines with analysis (thinking), cognitive ability. This manuscript I present in Architecture on Question answering Search Engine that is search Engine Enhancement with Finite State Machine which facilitate answering question to time complexity The abstract, methodology, algorithmic analysis, of 20 research paper facilitate a future research and integration of proposed Architecture of Question Answering Search Engine.
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