Dificuldades de aprendizagem na alfabetização: um relato de experiência

The present article is an experience report on a student's school and social life in the literacy class of the municipal education network of Barra Mansa, a Brazilian municipality located in the south of the state of Rio de Janeiro. From the guiding question - How can we contribute with relevant strategies and knowledge so that the cognitive development and interaction of this student with special educational needs can be effective in your class? - We aim to reflect and develop activities that can contribute to your teaching and learning process. For this, we are guided by a qualitative bibliographic methodology, based on education and teaching authors and we adopted participant observation as a methodology for practical research intervention. We highlight, among other factors, that the teacher contributes with sensitivity and pedagogical knowledge about the student's child development, which helps in early diagnosis of learning difficulties that directly impact the student's cognitive and social development process. We emphasize the importance of collaborative work in this sense, by pointing out the need for other professionals, such as psychologists, psychopedagogists and speech therapists. Finally, we emphasize that either diagnosis precocious in early childhood education or collaborative work may diminish future consequences so that either one reaches or alphabetical level and becomes a critical, reflective and attentive society in which he lives.
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