Variation of different solvent types for optimization of protein extraction from microalgae

Three microalgae isolates from Wakatobi waters collected by LIPI have been cultivated. i.e. LIPI 13-2-AL015, LIPI 13-2-AL025, LIPI 13-2-AL038. The three isolates were colony-shaped. Furthermore, the isolates were grown to make the growth curve, this was to determine the harvest time of biomass. Each isolate had different biomass harvest times: LIPI 13-2-AL015 isolates were harvested on day 10, LIPI 13-2-AL025 and LIPI 13-2-AL038 isolates were harvested on the 15th day. After harvesting, biomass was dried, and then the cell wall was destroyed by sonication. The next treatment was microalgae protein extraction. There were the solvent, namely: aquadest, buffer phosphate pH 7.4, and acetone 80%. Based on the three solvents, the most widely obtained protein consumption was phosphate buffer pH 7.4, followed by aquadest, and the last solvent was 80% acetone.
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