PO072 Does dbs surgery outcome affect patients use of outpatient resources

Deep brain stimulation (DBS) is carried out in our centre mainly for, Parkinson’s disease, dystonia and tremor. Patients are seen by DBS nurses at baseline, 3, 6 and 12 months postoperatively; yearly thereafter. In between these times, patients have open access contact with the service which is largely outpatient (OP) led. However, trouble shooting also takes place over the phone and, when urgent, as ward attendance. We are under the impression that some patients use the service significantly more than others. However, it was not clear to us whether OP appointments rate varied across the conditions, or patients’ surgical outcome. In this audit study we looked at whether higher follow up rate is seen in patients with worse surgical outcome in the three conditions. Disease specific outcome scores (>50%, 25%–50% and,
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