Bone Formation in a Local Defect around Dental Implants Coated with Extracellular Matrix Components

Purpose The coating of implant surfaces with components of the extracellular matrix offers an approach to influence peri-implant bone healing. In this study, bone healing around coated implants is analyzed in a peri-implant defect model. Materials and Methods Eight months after extraction of the premolar teeth, six dogs received 48 implants (eight per animal) in the mandible. Implant surfaces were sandblasted and acid-etched, and some were additionally coated with collagen type II and chondroitin sulfate (collagen/CS). On each side of the mandible, implants either had no peri-implant defect (control side) or a vertical defect of 5 mm in depth and 0.5, 1.0, or 2.0 mm in width. Implants healed submerged for 8 weeks. Fluorochrome staining, histology, and histomorphometry were used to analyze implant osseointegration. Results Fluorochrome labels showed an increased mineralization around collagen/CS-coated surfaces at 4 weeks (p = .031). Histomorphometry generally showed lower vertical and horizontal bone apposition with increasing gap size for both surface types. In gapless sites and 0.5-mm gaps, collagen/CS coated implants showed increased bone volume in areas directly adjacent to the implant, in comparison with uncoated implants (p < .05). Conclusion The width of the peri-implant gap influences peri-implant bone formation. Complete filling of all gaps by newly formed bone could not be observed around either surface. In proximity to the surface, implant surface coating by collagen/CS positively influenced bone formation.
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