Deiflik ‹çerikli Kanal Dolgu Patlar›n›n Baz› Organlardaki Sistemik Yay›l›m›n›n Araflt›r›lmas› Investigation of Systemic Spread of Root Canal Sealers with Different Contents

OZET Amac:Cal›flmam›z kalsiyum hidroksit icerikli Apexit ® , cinko oksit ojenol icerikli Tubliseal ® ve cam iyonomer icerikli Ketac Endo ® kanal dolgu patlar›n›n ratlarda beyin, karacier ve bobreklerdeki element konsantrasyonlar› uzerine etkisini arafl- t›rmak amac›yla yap›ld›. Gerec ve Yontem: Herbir pat polietilen tupe yerlefltirildi ve Wistar albino ratlar›n subkutan dokular›na implante edildi. Ratlar tup yerlefltirme iflleminden 7 gun sonra sakrifiye edile- rek karacier, beyin ve bobrekleri c›kart›ld› ve atomik absorb- siyon spektrometre cihaz›nda cinko, kalsiyum ve aluminyum konsantrasyonlar› analiz edildi. Bulgular ve Sonuc:Elde edilen sonuclara gore, deney ve kon- trol grubundaki ratlara ait beyin bolgesinden al›nan deerler karfl›laflt›r›ld›¤›nda Zn, Ca ve Al deerleri yonunden farkl›l›k onemsiz bulunmufltur. Karacier bolgesinden al›nan deerler karfl›laflt›r›ld›¤›nda Zn ve Ca yonunden fark bulunmazken, Al yonunden farkl›l›k onemli bulunmufltur. Bobreklerden elde edi- len deerler karfl›laflt›r›ld›¤›nda Zn ve Al yonunden gruplar aras› farkl›l›k onemsiz bulunurken, Ca yonunden onemli bulun- mufltur. Anahtar sozcukler:Sistemik yay›l›m, kanal dolgu patlar› ABSTRACT A i m :This study was carried out to investigate the effect of e l e m e n t a lconcentration of Apexit ® with calcium hydroxide, Tubliseal ® with zinc oxide eugenol and Ketac Endo ® canal sealer with glass ionomer in rats brain, kidney and liver. Material and Methods:Each sealer was placed in a polyethylene tube and implanted to subcutaneous tissues of Wistar albino rats. After 7 days from this implantation step, rats were sacrificed and their livers, brain and kidneys were removed. Zinc, calcium and aliminium concentrations in this organs were analysed with atomic absorbtion spectrometer. Resuls:According to the result of this study, the difference between test and control groups in the Al concentrations was found significant; when Zn, Ca concentration values from k i d n e y swere compared the difference in Al and Zn was found insignificant, but the difference in Ca was found significant betweenthe test and control groups.
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