Attitudes Of Final Year Dental Students Towards Postgraduate Specialization

Objective: The aim of this study was to understand the preferences of final year dentistry students in postgraduatespecialization and explore the factors which influence them in making decisions regarding their future in pursuing postgraduatestudies.Methodology: A cross-sectional survey was carried out between August 2017- January 2018 at four dental colleges acrossKarachi, including, three private sector and one public sector institution. A multiple choice, closed-ended questionnaireconsisting of 8 statements was prepared and distributed among all the final year BDS students. 225 used and 200 studentresponses were recorded. Data was analyzed using SPSS version 23 and Chi Square was applied to achieve the results.Results: 81% of the respondents were females. 79% were in the age range of 22-23years. 63% age of students had parentsthat came from a professional background. 75% of the total respondents wanted to pursue postgraduate studies. The linkbetween the age of the student, gender and the willingness to pursue postgraduate studies was found to be insignificantwhereas with parental profession, it was significant (p value=0.016). 60% students believed that they had received enoughspecialty exposure and encouragement from their institutions to be able to decide on their postgraduate plans. The firstchoice of specialty for 28% students was Oral Surgery followed by Orthodontics and Endodontics for 22% respondents.The second choice of specialty for the students was Operative Dentistry for 30% of the students followed by 17% whopreferred Orthodontics. The rest were divided among the other subjects. 36% of the students cited their aptitude for aspecific field as the most common factor for affecting their decision on specialization. 28% cited job status/ prospects andfinancial reasons as the factor most likely to influence their decision on specialization.Conclusion: According to the study, there was no significant association between the age, gender and the preferences ofthe student towards postgraduate specialization. However, parental occupation was bound to play a role. The choices ofthe students as regards specialty selection and influencing factors are varied. As the trend towards postgraduate specializationin dentistry is gaining momentum, it is imperative to research this area more for better planning and allowing students tomake informed decisions.
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