Coordinatori di ricerca clinica: una risorsa indispensabile

: The increasing complexity that characterizes the world of clinical trials, both in terms of procedures and bureaucracy, has made it necessary to create dedicated infrastructures composed of experienced and qualified personnel, who constantly work to ensure high ethical and qualitative standards. A key role in these infrastructures is played by the clinical research coordinator, a key figure able to manage the workflow required, placing himself as a reference for the coordination of the various activities and professional figures involved. The literature has widely demonstrated how the presence of this professional figure is a valid contribution both from a documentary and administrative point of view as well as a crucial resource for what concerns the indicators of ethics and quality of research. Despite that, there is no yet an institutional recognition of the professional figure, neither a specific economical agreement within the National Health System. The lack of institutional recognition is causing a worrying phenomenon of migration of qualified personnel towards contract research organizations and pharmaceutical companies. That could be detrimental to the competitiveness of Italian clinical research and hinder the possibility of offering innovative experiments therapies to patients, with serious ethical consequences.
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