Evaluation of periodontal status in HIV infected persons in Croatia.

A number of periodontal changes have been associated with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection, however our knowledge of the epidemiology, microbiology, host response and natural history of these conditions remains limited. Therefore, the aim of our study was the assessment of possible differences in periodontal status of HIV infected subjects when compared with healthy controls matched for age, gender and smoking habit in Croatian population. Assessment included measurement of plaque accumulation using aproximal plaque index, measurement of gingival inflammation by use of sulcus bleeding index, pocket depth, gingival recession as well as the number of decayed, missing and filled teeth in 25 HIV infected subjects (age range 22– 61, X=40.8 years) in comparison with 25 healthy controls (age range 20– 62, X=40.9 years). Statistical analysis was performed by use of descriptive statistics and Mann-Whitney U test showed significantly increased level of inflammation of the marginal gingiva in HIV infected subjects when compared to the controls (p<0.002). Significantly increased mean values of periodontal pockets (p<0.002) and the deepest periodontal pocket (p<0.003) were also observed when HIV infected subjects were compared to the healthy controls. In HIV infected subjects there was significant increase in the number of decayed, missing and decrease in the number of filled teeth (p<0.002 ; p<0.002 ; p<0.009, respectively). The results of this study once again highlight the need for more prevalent periodontal check-ups and treatments in HIV infected subjects.
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