Bu calismada, Mugla il genelinde Sosyal Guvenlik Kurumu ile anlasmali saglik kurumlarinda gorev yapan hekimlerin elektronik recete uygulamasina yonelik is davranislarinin ve saglik kurumlarinin MEDULA alt yapisinin degerlendirilmesi amaclanmistir. Arastirmada veri toplama araci olarak gelistirilen ankete 184 hekim cevap vermistir. Arastirmadan elde edilen bulgulara gore; gerek sistem kullanicilari gerekse hastalar icin Erecetenin kolaylik saglayip saglamadigi konusunda hekimlerce tam bir fikrin olusmadigi sonucuna varildigi soylenebilir. Ayrica, E-recete uygulamasinin en basta gelen hedefleri arasinda yer alan ilac harcamalarinin azaltilmasi hedefine bu arastirma bulgularinin tam olarak desteklemedigi de kayda deger bir sonuc olarak ifade edilebilir. Ilgili saglik kurumlarinin bilgi islemden kaynakli sorunlarinin varligi ise MEDULA alt yapilarinin etkililigini ve verimliligini dusundurmektedir. Kagit recete uygulamasinin sinirliliklarini kullanicilar ve hekimler gordukce e-recete uygulamasini daha cok benimseyecek ve pozitif yonlerini goreceklerdir. E-recete, kagit recetelemenin bircok sinirliligini giderecektir. Anahtar Kelimeler: Elektronik recete, saglik bilgi sistemleri. AN INVESTIGATION ON EVALUATION OF ELECTRONIC PRESCRIPTION IMPLICATION IN HEALTH CARE SERVICES The purpose of this study is to investigate job behaviors about electronical prescription implication in health organizations which have a protocol with Social Security Organization and to evaluate their infrastructures of MEDULA (an information system about billing and other health informatics) in health organizations. In this study data is obtained from a questionnaire which is prepared by researchers. Questionnaire is conducted on 184 physicians. In this study it is found that physicians have not a consensus about whether electronical prescription has a useful for physicians and patients. Morever, physicians have not general agreement about electronical prescription provide cost containment in drug expenditures. Efficiency and performance of infrastructures of MEDULA decrease owing to problems with information systems in health care organizations. Users will adopt e-prescribing systems and view them positively if they recognise the limitations of paper based prescribing and see electronic systems as useful in addressing some of these limitations. Key Words: Electronical prescription, health information systems.
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