In-situ monitoring of soil water isotopic composition for partitioning of evapotranspiration during one growing season of sugar beet (Beta vulgaris)

Abstract Field-based quantitative observations of hydrological feedbacks of terrestrial vegetation to the atmosphere are crucial for improving land-surface model parametrizations. This is especially true in the specific context of partitioning of evapotranspiration ( ET ) into soil evaporation ( E ) and plant transpiration ( T ): land surface models are able to compute E and T separately while observed transpiration fractions ( T / ET ) are still sparse. In this study, we present the application of an on-line non-destructive method based on gas-permeable tubing for the in-situ collection of soil water vapor. This allowed for monitoring of the hydrogen and oxygen isotopic compositions ( δ 2 H and δ 18 O) of soil water during a field campaign where ET of sugar beet ( Beta vulgaris ) was partitioned. T / ET estimates obtained with the non-destructive method were compared with the commonly used destructive sampling of soil and subsequent cryogenic extraction of soil water under vacuum. Finally, isotope-based T / ET estimates were compared to those obtained from a combination of micro-lysimeter and eddy covariance (EC) measurements. Significant discrepancies between the values of isotopic composition of evaporation derived destructively and non-destructively from those of soil water using a well-known transfer resistance model led in turn to significant differences in T / ET . This is in line with recent findings on the systematic offsets of soil water isotopic composition values in relation to the water sampling and extraction measurement techniques and calls for further investigation of these isotopic offsets for accurate separation of E from T in the field. These discrepancies were, however, smaller than those observed between δ 2 H- or δ 18 O-based T/ET estimates, and more than three times smaller than those between isotope-based and lysimeter-based estimates.
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