The Study of Estrous Cycle Phases Female Rats With the Use of N-Acetylcysteine in Ovarian Graft

AbstractOvarian graft may be the target of the biochemical effects of oxidative stress caused at the time of transplantation. In order to evaluate the effect of N-acetylcysteine on the ovarian graft, regarding the estrous cycle preservation , 50 female and virgin EPM-1 Wistar rats, weighing up to 250g, originating from CEDEME of UNIFESP, were kept in adequate sanitary conditions. , receiving their own food and water. Daily vaginal smears were performed to identify the estrous phase for 8 days. The animals were randomly distributed into 05 groups: 1st Group (GTx), saline was administered subcutaneously, 2nd (NAC 150mgKg), 3rd (NAC 300mg / Kg), 4th (NAC 600mg / Kg) and 5th (NAC 1200mg / Kg) , that were administered NAC subcutaneously on the abdominal face, 60 minutes before left unilateral ovarian transplantation in retroperitoneum and contralateral oophorectomy for purposes of histomorphological analysis, with colpocytological evaluation. Euthanasia was performed by means of anesthetic lethal dose in half of the animals on the 4th postoperative day, with a single vaginal smear collection and euthanasia on the rest of the animals, between the 14th and 16th days, after the material was collected in order to define the estrus phase. It was evaluated in the graft that the animals exhibited in all groups return of estrous cycle in the later phase of the post-transplant, with better definition of regular cycle in the highest dosages of N-acetylcysteine. N-acetylcysteine induced the return of the estrous cycle in the rats’ ovarian graft , mainly in the highest dosage, proving its effectiveness in revascularization of the tissue after ischemia and reperfusion. Keywords: Acetylcysteine. Reperfusion. Histocompatibility Antigens. Menstrual Cycle. ResumoO enxerto ovariano pode ser alvo dos efeitos bioquimicos do stress oxidativo causado no momento do transplante. Com o objetivo de avaliar o efeito da N-acetilcisteina no enxerto ovariano, quanto a preservacao do ciclo estral, foram utilizados 50 ratos EPM-1 Wistar, femeas e virgens, pesando ate 250g, originarios do CEDEME da UNIFESP, mantidos em adequadas condicoes sanitarias, recebendo racao propria e agua. Realizados esfregacos vaginais diarios para identificacao da fase estral durante 08 dias. Os animais foram distribuidos aleatoriamente em 05 grupos: 1o Grupo (GTx), administrada solucao salina via subcutânea, 2o (NAC 150mgKg), 3o (NAC 300mg/Kg), 4o (NAC 600mg/Kg) e 5o (NAC 1200mg/Kg), aos quais foi administrada NAC por via subcutânea em face abdominal, 60 minutos antes do transplante unilateral esquerdo do ovario em retroperitonio e a ooforectomia contra-lateral para fins de analise histomorfologica, com avaliacao colpocitologica. A eutanasia foi realizada por meio da dose letal do anestesico em metade dos animais no 4o dia de pos-operatorio, realizado unica coleta de esfregaco vaginal e a eutanasia no restante dos animais, entre o 14 o e 16o dia, apos a coleta do material para definicao da fase estro. Foi avaliado no enxerto que os animais apresentaram em todos os grupos retorno de ciclo estral na fase mais tardia do pos-transplante, com melhor definicao de ciclo regular nas dosagens mais elevadas de N-acetilcisteina. A N-acetilcisteina induziu o retorno do ciclo estral no enxerto ovariano de ratas, principalmente na maior dosagem comprovando sua eficacia na revascularizacao do tecido apos isquemia e reperfusao. Palavras-chave: Acetilcisteina. Reperfusao. Transplante. Ciclo Ovariano.
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