An improved method for precise automatic co-registration of moderate and high-resolution spacecraft imagery

Improvements to the automated co-registration and change detection software package, AFIDS (Automatic Fusion of Image Data System) has recently completed development for and validation by NGA/GIAT. The improvements involve the integration of the AFIDS ultra-fine gridding technique for horizontal displacement compensation with the recently evolved use of Rational Polynomial Functions/ Coefficients (RPFs/RPCs) for image raster pixel position to Latitude/Longitude indexing. Mapping and orthorectification (correction for elevation effects) of satellite imagery defies exact projective solutions because the data are not obtained from a single point (like a camera), but as a continuous process from the orbital path. Standard image processing techniques can apply approximate solutions, but advances in the state-of-the-art had to be made for precision change-detection and time-series applications where relief offsets become a controlling factor. The earlier AFIDS procedure required the availability of a camera model and knowledge of the satellite platform ephemeredes. The recent design advances connect the spacecraft sensor Rational Polynomial Function, a deductively developed model, with the AFIDS ultrafine grid, an inductively developed representation of the relationship raster pixel position to latitude /longitude. As a result, RPCs can be updated by AFIDS, a situation often necessary due to the accuracy limits of spacecraft navigation systems. An example of precision change detection will be presented from Quickbird. BACKGROUND Improvements to the automated co-registration and change detection software package, AFIDS (Automatic Fusion of Image Data System) has recently completed development for and validation by National GeospatialIntelligence Agency / Geospatial Intelligence Advancement Testbed (NGA/GIAT). The improvements involve the integration of the AFIDS ultra-fine gridding technique for horizontal displacement compensation with the recently evolved use of Rational Polynomial Functions/ Coefficients (RPFs/RPCs) for image raster pixel position to Latitude/Longitude indexing. The earlier AFIDS procedure required the availability of a camera model and knowledge of the satellite platform ephemeredes. The recent design advances connect the spacecraft sensor Rational Polynomial Function, a deductively developed model, with the AFIDS ultrafine grid, an inductively developed representation of the relationship raster pixel position to latitude /longitude. As a result, RPCs can be updated by AFIDS, a situation often necessary due to the accuracy limits of spacecraft navigation systems.
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