lados por el Banco Mundial en 1987 (The Highway Design and Maintenance Standards Model, version 3 - HDM III), con los cuales posteriormente se estructuro un programa de computo denominado Vehicle Operating Costs (VOC, por sus siglas en ingles) Asimismo, considera la adaptacion de dicho programa a las caracteristicas tecnicas de los vehiculos que operan en Mexico hecha en el propio Instituto Mexicano del Transporte (IMT), denominada VOCMEX, asi como los modelos con nuevas expresiones para el HDM-4 . A partir del uso de los modelos matematicos mencionados, mediante la nueva version del programa de computo VOCMEX (programa conformado a partir de los modelos del Banco Mundial, version 4.0) y de una actualizacion de datos diversos sobre caracteristicas tecnicas de los vehiculos, sus precios y los de sus insumos, se conformo un conjunto de graficas, las cuales permiten estimar los costos de operacion vehicular para siete tipos de unidades, bajo condiciones diversas de alineamiento geometrico y estado superficial de las carreteras sin necesidad de recurrir al programa. Los datos presentados en el trabajo pueden emplearse tanto en el programa de computo VOC como en el HDM-4 . Se incluyen conclusiones, recomendaciones, tablas y figuras. Abstract : This document has as a main objective to provide information on a simple procedure used to calculate vehicle operating costs for a typical vehicle used for commercial and private intercity transportation in Mexico. The procedure here described, takes into account the geometric alignment and pavement surface conditions and their effects on the vehicle operating costs. The work here reported is based on the mathematical models developed by the World Bank and published in 1987 (The Highway Design and Maintenance Standards Model, version 3 - HDM III), which gave origin to the software called Vehicle Operating Costs (VOC). Therefore, the software developed for this work (called VOCMEX) is an adaptation of the VOC. The VOCMEX considers the technical characteristics of the vehicles running on Mexican roadways as well as the models with the new mathematical expressions developed for the HDM-4 software. From the use of the World Bank models through the VOCMEX (new version 4.0) and the data update about technical characteristics of the vehicles, their prices and their components, a set of graphics is built. These graphics allow one to estimate the operating costs of seven types of vehicles under various conditions of the geometric alignment and pavement surface without using the software. The data presented in this document can also be used in the VOC program and in the HDM-4. Included conclusions, recommendations, tables and figures.
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