Technical Notes Fast two-dimensional MR imaging by Multiple Acquisition with Micro B 0 Array (MAMBA)

A new method for acquiring MR data in two dimensions is described. This is achieved by combining coils into an array so as to produce a unique local magnetic field within each coil when placed within the B 0 field of a standard MRI scanner. In this way each known location of a coil is associated with a unique resonant frequency. Each coil now represents a location of a pixel in the plane, and after Fourier transformation of the signal the resulting frequency spectrum gives immediately the spin distribution in the plane of the array. In effect, the two-dimensional spatial distribution is frequency encoded without the use of switched gradients or phase encoding. As only static fields are used, this technique offers the potential of fast imaging. Furthermore, signals from different locations would also be inherently timeregistered. Initial experiments to demonstrate the principle are described, using a square array of 5 by 5 coils. The currents in the coils were determined by using a genetic algorithm. Echoes from pellet phantoms placed in the array were acquired using standard spin-echo sequences with gradients switched off. The results are promising, with the spectra showing generally good resolution between peaks, enabling localisation in up to half the pixels. Technical difficulties are discussed and possible applications are outlined. © 2002 Elsevier Science Inc. All rights reserved.
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