Outpatient rehabilitation programs for COVID-19 patients/ Ambuláns rehabilitációs programok COVID-19-betegek számára.
Osszefoglalo. A COVID-19-fertozesen atesett betegek kozul tobben elhuzodo panaszokrol szamolnak be a felepulest kovetoen, sokaknal tartosan fennall a kohoges, a nehezlegzes, a mellkasi fajdalom, a legszomj attol fuggetlenul, hogy enyhe vagy sulyosabb tuneteket okozott a koronavirus. A betegek erotlennek erzik magukat, eros faradtsagerzetre panaszkodnak, mig masok gyomor-bel rendszeri panaszokra, fejfajasra, depressziora, a szaglas- es izerzekeles elvesztesere. Szamtalan kutatas leirja, hogy a fertozes meg akar honapokkal kesobb is hatassal lehet a tudo mukodesere, es korabban egeszseges tudon is lathato a koronavirus-fertozes a gyogyulas utan harom honappal keszult kontroll-mellkas-CT-leleten. Eppen ezert szukseg van a fertozes lezajlasat kovetoen tudogyogyaszati kivizsgalasra, ha a betegnek elhuzodo panaszai vannak, vagy ha a betegseg tudogyulladast okozott. Szukseg van a jelenleg mukodo fekvobeteg-legzoszervi rehabilitacio mellett a kezeles ambulans kiterjesztesere is, melynek celja ujabb korhazi apolas nelkul a teljes gyogyulas elerese a betegeknel. A COVID-19-fertozesen atesett betegeknel a komplex rehabilitacio hatasara javul a terhelhetoseg, az eletminoseg, javulnak a legzesfunkcios ertekek, csokkennek a panaszok, javul a betegek fizikai es pszichikai allapota. Osszefoglalo kutatasunk celja attekinteni, hogy milyen COVID-19 ambulans rehabilitacios programok indultak el a koronavirus-fertozesen atesett betegek eseteben nemzetkozi es hazai szintereken. Orv Hetil. 22021; 162(42): 1671-1677. Summary. Several patients with COVID-19 infection report prolonged complaints after recovery and many of them suffer from persistent cough, dyspnea, chest pain and shortness of breath regardless of whether the coronavirus caused mild or more severe symptoms. They complain of severe fatigue and weakness while others grizzle about gastrointestinal complaints, headache, depression, loss of sense of smell and taste. Numerous studies describe that the infection can affect lung function even in months and coronavirus infection can be detectable in previously healthy lungs by taking a control chest CT scan three months after recovery. Therefore, chest follow-up is required after the infection if the patient has prolonged complaints or if the disease has caused pneumonia. In addition to the currently operating inpatient respiratory rehabilitation, there is also a need for an outpatient extension of treatment to achieve complete recovery in patients without further hospitalization. For those patients who have had the COVID-19 infection complex rehabilitation can improve their workload, quality of life, improves their respiratory function values, reduces their complaints and also improves their physical and mental condition. The aim of our summary research is to review what COVID-19 outpatient rehabilitation programs have been initiated for patients who went through coronavirus infection on international and domestic scenes. Orv Hetil. 2021; 162(42): 1671-1677.
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