EXA/LEAP 2008 : proceedings of the international conference on exotic atoms (EXA 2008) and the 9th international conference on low energy antiproton physics (LEAP 2008) held in Vienna, Austria, 15-19 September 2008

Foreword.- Kaonic helium atoms.- Kaonic atoms measurements at the DA?NE accelerator.- X-ray spectroscopy of light hadronic atoms.- Pionic atom factory project in the RIBF.- Unified approach to nuclear densities from exotic atoms.- Observation of ?K-atoms with DIRAC-II.- Pionic deuterium.- Nucleon recoil for low-energy antikaon-deuteron scattering.- Line shape of the ?H(3p?-?1s) transition.- Antikaon-nucleon scattering lengths.- Recent topics of mesic atoms and mesic nuclei.- Towards more exoticness-X-ray spectroscopy of ?? atoms at J-PARC.- Perspectives of the ???-atom spectroscopy at PANDA.- Accurate evaluation of the 1s wave functions of kaonic hydrogen.- KAIUM at DA?NE?.- Muon capture in hydrogen and deuterium.- 2S state and Lamb shift in muonic hydrogen.- Muon spectroscopy with trace alkaline-earth and rare-earth isotopes implanted in solid D2.- Coulomb spheroidal representation in the hyperspherical approach to the three-body problem.- An analytic and parameter-free wavefunction for studying the stability of three-body systems.- Calculations of the cascade characteristics for hadronic hydrogen atoms based on a quantum-classical approach.- Accurate ground state wavefunctions for several three-body systems.- Determination of the hadronic width of the ground state in pionic hydrogen.- Density effect in d?-?d? catalyzed fusion with ortho-and para-enriched deuterium.- Overview of and -nucleus dynamics.- Recent results on the search of bound kaonic states in nuclei with FINUDA.- First exclusive measurements of the K ??? pp state populated in the pp ? K ?+? ?p reaction at 2.85 GeV.- Search for kaonic nuclear state, K ??? pp, in the p?+?p???X?+?K ?+ reaction with FOPI.- The AMADEUS experiment at DA?NE and the analysis of KLOE data in the search for kaonic nuclear clusters.- OBELIX results on Kaonic Nuclear Clusters production by antiproton annihilation at rest on 4He.- K ? absorption in nuclei by two and three nucleons.- Multi- configurations and the limit of kaon condensation.- The ?K N ? ? ? decay threshold effect in 3He(in-flight K?-, n) reaction spectrum.- Phenomenological interaction with isospin-breaking effects.- Effective interaction with strong ?? dynamics constrained by chiral SU(3) symmetry.- Chiral SU(3) dynamics and the quasibound K?-?pp cluster.- Baryon resonances as hadronic molecule states with kaons.- Status of neutrinoless double beta decay searches.- An experiment to measure the bound-?- decay of the free neutron.- CPT and Lorentz-invariance violation.- Quantum Gravity, CPT symmetry and entangled states.- Gravitational physics with antimatter.- Measuring the antihydrogen fall.- Planned measurement of the ground-state hyperfine splitting of antihydrogen.- Antihydrogen (hydrogen) atom formation.- Efficient Rydberg positronium laser excitation for antihydrogen production in a magnetic field.- Perspectives of laser-stimulated antihydrogen formation.- The feasibility of the TRIC experiment at COSY.- Precision spectroscopy of metastable hydrogen and antihydrogen with a Lamb-shift polarimeter.- Determination of the antiproton-to-electron mass ratio by laser spectroscopy of .- Preliminary results from recent measurements of the antiprotonic helium hyperfine structure.- Precision spectroscopy of antiprotonic helium.- Spin structure of antiprotonic helium in a magnetic field.- Collisional effects on the HFS transitions of antiprotonic helium.- Cross-beam atomic collision experiment between ultra-low-energy antiprotons and a supersonic gas jet.- Angular and energy differential electron emission cross sections in collisions between antiprotons and helium atoms.- Interaction of antiprotons with Rb atoms and a comparison of antiproton stopping powers of the atoms H, Li, Na, K, and Rb.- Collisions of low-energy antiprotons with molecular hydrogen: ionization, excitation and stopping power.- Precision Penning trap mass measurements on exotic ions: status and perspectives.- ASACUSA MUSASHI: New progress with intense ultra slow antiproton beam.- Ultracold antiprotons by indirect laser cooling.- Aspects of neutral atom traps for antihydrogen spectroscopy.- Developments for the direct determination of the g-factor of a single proton in a Penning trap.- The status of FAIR.- The PANDA detector at FAIR.- Strangeness at J-PARC.- AD: low-energy antiproton production at CERN.- CRYRING at the LSR at FLAIR.- Present status of the USR project.- Proposed new antiproton experiments at Fermilab.- Breeding of antideuterons in the AIC at FAIR.- Do unpolarized electrons affect the polarization of a stored beam?.- Silicon drift detectors for exotic atoms.- A Focussing Disc DIRC design for particle identification in PANDA.- Beam instrumentation for the future ultra-low energy electrostatic storage ring at FLAIR.- Preliminary design studies of an extraction of the USR.- A fast, low perturbation ionization beam profile monitor based on a gas-jet curtain for the ultra low energy storage ring.- Development of precise nanosecond and picosecond dye lasers for spectroscopy of antiprotonic atoms.- Particle detectors for the future antiproton Paul trap of the ASACUSA experiment at CERN.- Response of cooled PWO scintillators to low-energy gamma-rays and its importance in studies of the h c ?? c ?+?? transition in charmonium.- Muon science in J-PARC.- Hadron physics with PANDA.- The E835 experiment at Fermilab.- Charm in nuclei.- Time-like nucleon form factor measurements at .- Double-strangeness production with antiprotons.- Exploring the nuclear potential of antihyperons with antiprotons at .- Cold compression of nuclei induced by antiprotons.- Nuclear periphery studied with antiprotonic atoms.- Antiprotons for nuclear structure research.- Total spin-dependent p?d cross sections at low and intermediate energies.- Quark deconfinement in antiproton annihilation at rest on light nuclei.- Antiproton reflection by a solid surface.- Measurement of the antiproton-nucleus annihilation cross-section at very low energies.- Antiproton radiotherapy: peripheral dose from secondary neutrons.- exotics and antiprotonic atoms.- Spin structure of .- Parton distribution functions up to NNLO.- xF 3 structure function based on the associated Jacobi polynomials.- F L structure function and heavy quark contributions.
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