On the gastro‐intestinal helminth parasites of guinea fowl (Numida meleagridis galeata, Pallas) in Ibadan

Summary A survey of gastro-intestinal helminth parasites of grey-breasted helmet guinea fowl (Numida meleagridis galeata Pallas) was carried out between April and September 1979. Faecal samples were collected and examined for helminth eggs and/or oocysts. Heterakis sp., Capillaria sp., Dispharynx (Acuria) sp., Prosto-gonimus sp., Hymenolepsis sp. and oocysts of Eimeria sp. were identified from guinea fowl. Heterakis sp. were the most prevalent. Mixed infections occurred in 73.8% of the infected birds. A point prevalence rate of 67.4% was recorded with varying degrees of clinical infection. The potentials of the grey-breasted helmet guinea fowl acting as a disseminator of these parasites to chickens or vice-versa is highlighted and the need for pre-market treatment as a means of improving the survival rate and market value of this game bird is recommended. RESUMEE On a entrepris entre avril et Septembre 1979 un controle des helminthes gastrointestinaux parasites de la pintade commune (Numida meleagridis galeata, Pallas). Des echantillons de dejections furent collectes et examines pour trouver des oeufs et/ou des oocystes. On a identifie chez la pintade: Heterakis sp., Capillaria sp., Dispharynx sp., Prostogonimus sp., Hymenolepsis sp., et des oocystes de Eimeria sp. I1 y a une nette prevalence de Heterakis sp. On a trouve des infections mixtes chez 73.8% des oiseaux parasites. On a releve un taux de prevalence de 67.4% associea divers degres d'infection clinique. Le ro1e potentiel de cette pintade comme vecteur de parasites vers les poussins et vice-versa est mis en evidence; la necessite d'un traitement des animaux avant de les mettre sur le marche est recommende comme moyen d'ameliorer leur survie et leur valeur marchande.
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