Real-time intravascular ultrasound/photoacoustic imaging system with omni-directional light excitation

Photoacoustic (PA) imaging has been investigated for intravascular applications. One of the main challenges is that the imaging frame rate is limited by the pulse repetition frequency (PRF), thus making real-time imaging difficult with most high-power solid-state pulse lasers. The goal of this study is to combine omni-directional optical excitation with a ring array transducer for high-frame-rate imaging, so that the image frame rate is the same as the laser PRF. In the preliminary study, we developed a real-time integrated IVUS/IVPA imaging system by modifying an IVUS system in combination with a high-speed Nd:YLF pulsed laser. In addition, an optical fiber with axicon-like distal tip is designed for omni-directional excitation. In this design, a PA image is acquired without rotating the laser light. The imaging frame rate of this integrated imaging system is 19 fps. Both US and PA images are recorded at the same time and co-registered in the fusion image. The US/PA images of tungsten wire, black tube and rabbit's atherosclerotic aorta were acquired with this integrated system to evaluate its imaging performance. The lateral/axial -6 dB resolution of US image is 2.56°/62.4μm. Resolution of PA imaging is 3.76°/91.5μm. The imaging system was also utilized to acquire IVUS/IVPA images of atherosclerotic rabbit's aorta in ex vivo study.
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