Гнойно-воспалительные осложнения повреждений брюшной стенки от автомобильного ремня безопасности. Опыт лечения четырех пациентов

Seat belt syndrome is a triad of symptoms: body belt marks (hemorrhages, ecchymosis, abrasions on the abdominal wall), intra-abdominal trauma and spinal fractures in the thoracic and lumbar spine. The abdominal mark of a safety belt implies a complex diagnostic algorithm to exclude injury to the intraabdominal organs and the abdominal wall. The clinical picture of damage is not specific, which leads to errors in diagnosis or delays at the beginning of the examination protocol. A dynamic examination of the patient (ultrasound, CT, X-ray) is necessary. The damage to the abdominal wall with a seat belt, which entailed the development of septic complications, require long-term general and local treatment, additional diagnostic methods and surgical interventions.
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