Colossal topological Hall effect at the transition between isolated and lattice-phase interfacial skyrmions.

The topological Hall effect is used extensively to study chiral spin textures in various materials. However, the factors controlling its magnitude in technologically-relevant thin films remain uncertain. Using variable-temperature magnetotransport and real-space magnetic imaging in a series of Ir/Fe/Co/Pt heterostructures, here we report that the chiral spin fluctuations at the phase boundary between isolated skyrmions and a disordered skyrmion lattice result in a power-law enhancement of the topological Hall resistivity by up to three orders of magnitude. Our work reveals the dominant role of skyrmion stability and configuration in determining the magnitude of the topological Hall effect. Previous studies of skyrmions in thin film architectures have shown widely-varying magnitudes of the topological Hall effect. Here, Raju et al. show that this variation follows a power-law behaviour driven by chiral spin fluctuations at the phase transition between isolated and lattice skyrmions.
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