Evaluation of phytotoxicity and efficacy of acetochlor and dichlormid in corn crops

The aim of this study was to determine the phytotoxicity and efficacy of the herbicide acetochlor with dichlormid (preparation ACETOCHLOR 768 + DICHLORMID 128 EC) and a possibility for its application in a foliar control of broadleaf weeds in corn crops. In 2012 there was conducted a serie of trials in accordance with the standard EPPO method, to examine the efficiency of this preparation, on the Zemun Polje locality. The experiment included four treatments: two for efficacy (ACETOCHLOR 768 + DICHLORMID 128 EC 2,0 l/ha and 2,5 l/ha), one for phytotoxicity (ACETOCHLOR 768 + DICHLORMID 128 EC 5,0 l/ha) and one as a standard (ACETOGAL PLUS 2,5 l/ha). The product was applied after planting and before germination of corn and weeds. Acetochlor as a selective herbicide from the chemical group of chloroacetamide did not show any phytotoxicity to corn, if applied in recommended quantities and on the recommended application time. Acetochlor with di­chlormid showed very high efficacy in the control of weeds such as Echinochloa crusgalli, Setariaglauca, Sorghum halepense (s), Bilderdykia convolvulus, Chenopodium polysper­mum, Datura stramonium, Solanum nigrum and Stachys annua.
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