A legismertebb termesztett gombafajok környezetkímélő, korszerű táptalajainak kidolgozása = Preparing up-to-date, environment friendly substrates for the best known cultivated mushroom species

A termeshozamok novelese celjabol ketfele hőkezelessel (nedves, szaraz) előallitott szalma taptalajon dusitasi kiserletet vegeztunk negy gombafajjal (Agaricus bisporus, Agaricus bitorquis, Pleurotus ostreatus, Lentinula edodes). A hőkezelt szalmahoz borsoszalmat, szojaszalmat, lucernalisztet, buzakorpat es ProMycelt kevertunk 1, 2 es 3%-ban. A kiserletet petri-cseszeben laboratoriumban kezdtuk. A legjobb eredmenyt ado dusitoanyagggal folytattuk tovabb 500, 2000, majd 5000 g-ros kiszerelesű zacskoban, ket ismetlesben. A vizsgalatok kiterjedtek a taptalaj N-tartalmanak a vizsgalatara, az első szedes idejere, a termeshozamra es az ereslefutasra. A nedvesen hőkezelt dusitott taptalajon az első szedes harom fajnal (A. bisporus, A. bitorquis, Lentinula edodes) nehany nappal megelőzte a szarazon hőkezelt taptalajrol valo szedest. A dusitoanyagok kozul a legmagasabb hozamot a nedvesen hőkezelt ProMycel (3%) dusitoanyaggal kevert taptalajrol kaptuk (A. bisporusnal 3400 g, A. bitorquisnal 2300g L. edodesnel 2600 g/10 kg taptalaj). Nehany szazalekkal kisebb hozamot ertunk el a szarazon hőkezelt taptalajon. A legkevesebb hozamot a kezeletlen tehat a kontroll szalma adta. A termeshozamot kisebb mertekben lehetett novelni lucernaliszttel es buzakorpaval is. Az eerdmenyek azt mutattak, hogy a hőkezelt szalna N-dusitasanak nagy jelentősege van a hozamok novelese szempontjabol. A vizsgalt dusitoanyagok mindegyike egyedul a Pleurotus ostreatusnal nem okoztak termesnovekedest. | In order to increase yield quantities 4 mushroom species (Agaricus bisporus, Agaricus bitorquis, Pleurotus ostreatus, Lentinula edoes) were tested for reaction to enrichment on heat-treated (dry and wet) straw substrate. Pea straw, alfalfa meal, wheat bran and ProMycel were mixed into the heat-treated straw in proportion of 1, 2, 3 per cent. Trials started in the laboratory in Petri dishes and were continued with agents of the best results in bags of 500, 2000 and 5000 g in 2 replications. Tests included the N-content of the substrate, the time of the first harvest and the ripening period. In 3 species (A. bisporus, A. bitorquis, Lentinula edodes) the first flush on wet heat-treated and enriched substrate was some days earlier than on dry heat-treated substrate. Of the enrichment agents 3% ProMycel produced the highest yield on wet heat-treated substrate (in A. bisporus 3400 g, in A. birorquis 2300 g, in L. edodes 2600 g/10 kg substrate). Some per cent lower yield was harvested on the dry heat-treated substrate. The untreated straw control gave the lowest yield. In smaller extent yield could also be improved with alfalfa meal and wheat bran.
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