Dermoscopy and reflectance confocal microscopy of Kaposi's sarcoma: an overview.

Kaposi's sarcoma (KS) is a multifocal systemic disease originating from vascular structures, associated with human type 8 herpesvirus and mainly affecting elderly men (male: female ratio, 10-15: 1)1,2 . Dermoscopy and reflectance confocal microscopy (RCM) are two non-invasive diagnostic methods that could improve the accuracy of KS detection2 - 4 . We carried out a review of the current English-language literature regarding dermoscopy and reflectance confocal microscopy as non-invasive diagnostic tools for Kaposi sarcoma lesions. Results are reported in Table 15 - 9 . Patients written informed consents were collected for images publication. Morphological variations of KS and its similarity with other angiomatous conditions often lead to difficulties to make a correct diagnosis only with clinical examination10 . Histological examination represents the gold standard for KS diagnosis3 . Dermoscopy and RCM are two non-invasive high- resolution techniques useful to add additional features in order to help clinicians making the correct diagnosis and also to address the choice for the biopsy-site4 .
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