Актуальні проблеми розвитку інституційного потенціалу глокалізації (у світлі діяльності єврорегіонів Центрально-Східної та Північної Європи)

Institutional capacity of cross border cooperation in the Barents Region Northern Europe, its focus on the priorities of the "green economy", human capital enhancement and conversion to cluster development can serve as a model for the development of cross-border cooperation in the Carpathian region. This is evidenced multifaceted activities of the Barents Euro-Arctic and the Barents Regional Councils (BEAR/BRC) promote cooperation of border regions and local communities, coordination, prioritization and implementation of the Barents cooperation at the international, interstate and interregional level, synchronize their activities in the Arctic region with the EU institutions, leading structures international cooperation in Northern Europe, the Arctic and the Baltic. The experience of the BEAR/BRC institutions points to the possibility, feasibility and potential impact of high establishing a new multilateral international instrument supporting cross-border cooperation in the Carpathian region. The Council of Carpathian Cooperation with the participation of the European Commission, the Visegrad countries of the EU and Ukraine would function on a permanent basis as a tool for harmonizing the development of border areas of the EU and Ukraine, preventing the destructive influence of the internal political conjuncture of the neighboring countries on the development of the CBC in the Carpathian region.
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