Smart microgrid system with hybrid system supply: Udayana university pilot project design

Currently the utilization of Renewable Energy (RE) as a source of power generation is increasing. Penetration of renewable energy source on a large scale will greatly affect the quality and reliability of electric power systems, due to the intermittent renewable energy sources. Therefore it is necessary to develop a technology to compensate the intermittent energy resources. The smart grid or microgrid technology has the ability to deal with this intermittent characteristic especially while these renewable energy resources integrated to grid in large scale, so improved the reliability and efficiency of that grid. Therefore the researches and developments of smart microgrid conducted, started with laboratory scale in 2012, then scale up in 2015, and pilot project scale in 2016. The pilot project was designed and to be implemented at Udayana University. The system was design base on the renewable energy resources and load characteristic at the Engineering Faculty of Udayana University. It need 146 of a 330WpPV panels to supply energy demand of DH building which average 180 kWh/day. Due to limited space on the roof deck, it decided to build only 80 panels and 10 wind turbines with capacity 500 Wp each. Battery system 240 kWp and Diesel Generator 20 kVA are place on the ground floor. The smart microgrid is expected to supply DH building during week days, and supply DJ and DI building during week end and holiday for lighting and other purposes.
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