Factors affecting wavelength-resolved ultraviolet irradiance indoors and their impacts on indoor photochemistry.

We measured wavelength-resolved ultraviolet (UV) irradiance in multiple indoor environments and quantified the effects of variables such as light source, solar angles, cloud cover, window type, and electric light color temperature on indoor photon fluxes. The majority of the 77 windows and window samples investigated completely attenuated sunlight at wavelengths shorter than 320 nm; despite variations among individual windows leading to differences in indoor HONO photolysis rate constants (JHONO ) and local hydroxyl radical (OH) concentrations of up to a factor of 50, wavelength-resolved transmittance was similar between windows in residential and non-residential buildings. We report mathematical relationships that predict indoor solar UV irradiance as a function of solar zenith angle, incident angle of sunlight on windows, and distance from windows and surfaces for direct and diffuse sunlight. Using these relationships, we predict elevated indoor steady-state OH concentrations (0.80-7.4 × 106 molec cm-3 ) under illumination by direct and diffuse sunlight and fluorescent tubes near windows or light sources. However, elevated OH concentrations at 1 m from the source are only predicted under direct sunlight. We predict that reflections from indoor surfaces will have minor contributions to room-averaged indoor UV irradiance. These results may improve parameterization of indoor chemistry models.
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