A new quantitative real-time PCR assay for Rhizoctonia solani AG3-PT and the detection of AGs of Rhizoctonia solani associated with potato in soil and tuber samples in Great Britain

Rhizoctonia solani is an important pathogen of potatoes causing stem canker and black scurf. The fungus is a species complex comprised of 13 known anastomosis groups (AGs). AG3-PT is the anastomosis group frequently associated with disease in potatoes. A real-time PCR assay was designed to the rDNA ITS region of AG3-PT isolates to enable the pathogen to be detected directly in tuber and soil samples. The resulting assay was highly specific for AG3-PT, and did not amplify DNA from isolates from other AGs or subgroups of AG3. Using a bulk DNA extraction method capable of extracting from up to 250 g of soil, the assay could detect one individual sclerotium of AG3-PT (weighing 200 μg) in 250 g of soil. The AG3-PT assay was used, with assays for AG2-1, AG5 and AG8 to determine the prevalence of those AGs in UK potato soils and tubers. AG2-1 and AG3-PT were the predominant groups in tubers and soils, although AG3-PT was more frequently isolated from tubers, highlighting its importance as a potato pathogen. AG3-PT was also detected in more than half of the tuber samples tested suggesting the importance of seed borne inoculum.
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